Thursday, October 15, 2009

October week 2

Here are some pictures I took in CW a couple of years ago:

Sensitive plant aka shame plant - this is the plant that folds up when you touch it.
Jujube tree in fruit - I believe these are/were used to make Jujubee candies. In the areas where they grow naturally, the fragrant scent of the fruit is said to make teenagers fall in love. Maybe that's why no one plants them!
They sure can make a mess!
Don't know what the flower below is - any guesses?
I didn't label this picture at the time, but is sure looks like green coneflower. Was it really blooming this late in the season?
These nodding ladies tresses were growing in my yard. They looked great the first year, but they didn't survive in the shady environment.
You can see the rest of my October week 2 pictures here.


Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Boy, you stored up a bunch of posts to add today.
So where is that Jujube tree? How long does it stay in fruit?
I have a Green Coneflower blooming now. Not sure what your red flower is.

How It Grows said...

The jujube tree is close to Francis street, sort of near the CW taverns parking lot. I'm not sure how long it stays in fruit, but I bet they don't decompose quickly.

Les said...

Is the mystery plant a canna?

How It Grows said...

Ah-ha! I think you're right! The flowers were so puny I didn't think of that.