Sunday, July 4, 2010

June week 4

Thought the hot weather continued, I got back outside this week when I went to the calcareous ravine talk at the Williamsburg Botanical Garden. Here's some of what was blooming in the garden:

At the entrance of the park were a couple of pretty but invasive mimosa trees. Luckily they don't seem to have spread farther into the park. Yet.
Other non-natives included daylily,butterfly bush,
and tall verbena (V. bonariensis).
Here's one of our native verbenas, swamp verbena (V. hastata).
Other natives in the garden were rattlesnake master,meadowbeauty,buttonbush,
black-eyed Susan,
St. John's wort,
soldier mallow,
wild quinine (this stuff blooms for a long time),
beautyberry (preparing for its fall display)
oxeye sunflower,
and phlox.
You can see the rest of my week 4 photos here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The mimosa photo is appropriate for July 4. It looks just like a shower of sparks in the sky!

I can see I must plan a visit to the Williamsburg Botanical Garden soon.