Sunday, August 8, 2010

July week 3

And I thought the previous week was hot!. With temperatures in the 100's, walking outside during week 3 was like walking into an oven! I did visit a couple of sites, however, that were dealing fairly well with the heat wave. Take a look...

At Mattey's Garden next to the Matthew Whaley School:
purple hyacinth bean,
squash blossoms,
Mexican petunia,
and this plant, which I can't remember the name of.
At a friend's house:
a drooping pineapple lily,
Joe-pye weed,
and phlox.
Around town:
false aloe,
giant coneflower,and paw paws.And at my house:
You can see the rest of the week's photos here.

1 comment:

demotutorial said...

I love your blog! A wonderful feast for the eyes. So glad I discovered it.

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